Wednesday 16 July 2014

p.3. Call Sheet

P2 - Front, Back, Side, 3/4

Creating this 360 I had to do it on art as I didn't have the Adobe software at home. While recreating my main character called George digitally, I had to look back and forth to the doodle sheet for reference. On the doodle sheet I already knew how George would look from 2/4 and 3/4 perspective because that was drawn from my initial design. The tricky part was figuring out how I would create George facing the front, backwards, and sidewards digitally. To help me I sketched the side and front and back view out so I could have something to look at.

Friday 11 July 2014

P3 Storyboard

1- black screen
2- fades to sunlight (close)
3- cuts to a guy walking on roof top (mid shot)
4- he looks out towards the skyline (over the shoulder)

5- skyline
6-  the guy looking down (point of view)
7- he leans forward a bit more then he should and starts getting of balanced (point of view)
8- he steps backs before he falls, then runs forward and jump (illusion you think his just died)

9- slides down on the roof top 
10- the guy jumping from building to building (worm's-eye view)
11- when the guys about to land on the other building (point of view)
12- when his landed he runs off leaving you with a (worm's-eye view) of the building

13- he jumps again but doesn't stick the landing (birds-eye view)

14- his on the road and cracked his head blood is seeping out
15- rewinds to him doing the jump and fails again but is wearing safety garments e.g. helmet
16- in the exact same pose he lands in the first time,  he gets up and runs off. leaving a red stain on the road
17-  then cuts to him running across a building roof top with a helmet and ads name appearing on screen 'TESTING GRAVITY'

How I would like the text to look like^

P2 Shape doodle Sheet

What shapes was used:
Circle - boy's head
Square - penguin's head
Star - cat's head
Pentagon - the girls upper body

Wednesday 9 July 2014


1) For the animation project i'll be creating a Parkour rotoscope. instead of just making it a meaningless extreme sport thats been getting more notice well none in our most relevant trends. I wont to relate it to life by putting more depth into it and make it seem more like a journey by the music I'll be adding in.
2) The animated type of this sequence will be rotoscope with a bit of raw footage in between. I wanted to incorporate both types as it gives it an abstract feel but is also tangible concept that the viewers can relate to and fellow parkours that take interest in the animation. In current market I havent found an animation that incorporates what I want to do therefore i think it will be quite successful.
3) The genere of of style for the animate shows action but in an abstract way. the action is shown by the different stunts done in the animation however its done in rotoscope which is perceived as abstract cause its rarely been done. 
4) Starts of with a guy walking, he doesn't know where to or where the journey will lead him. Finding his way through running, rolling, jumping, climbing, turns and twists. Gradually figuring out his way where he wants to go to, and eventually ending up at the train station leaving cambridge starting a new adventure.    

p.3.Animation Treatment

p.3. Process and Equipment Set Up

Ive been using my laptop with the folowing adobe software: PhotoShop/Premier/Audition. I've also been using a Wacom tablet to rotoscope the raw footage.




Equipment set up: