Wednesday 11 June 2014

P2 Animation Process Write-Up

Dot is the smallest animation process created as it was made using a microscope. The production of Dot was an actually advert for Nokia to demonstrate how good the camera is on that particular mopdel phone. They used all types of fabric and materials to create this magical background from ordinanry household items e.g. wool, wire, coins. For the character Dot in particularly they made her out of pvc and created about 50 sculptures of Dot, in different postions- as the sculptures was to small to be moulded or moved each limb into position.

Peppa Pig
The process used by the animators and creators of Pepper Pig was called quantel paint box. This process is pointed mainly towards television animation and also focuses on graphics within the animation. Peppa pig is a kids 2D hand drawn animation, they used the same drawing for every character of the pig family just varied in sizes, and all of the characters are very basic drawings for example the nose is on the side of the face rather than central, this is done to show sense of direction and to make it look like a kid drew it.

South Park:
South park was originally going to be done using cut out pieces of paper, but because this would take such a long period of time they decided to do it computer animated, it tales 5 days to make as the animators work night and day over these days, and on the 6th day its realised only giving them a day rest and they back at it again. They are the only series that dose this, South Park also incorporates politics so the concepts behind each episode is always relevant. It is aimed towards adults and also older teenagers as it has a lot of adult humour in and explict language.

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